Starling Travel Guide

Why it is Better to Request a Custom Tour

2023-01-18 18:37
We have traveled a lot and experienced the so called “factory tours”. We know your wishes and expectations. We are local, we are independent and we are flexible. You need to arrange your own visa - we will help you with all the necessary documents. The majority of bigger hotel bookings around all major attractions will always be taken by big international travel agencies, who sell them higher as benefit for their agency. There is no such thing like “one size fits all”

We have traveled a lot and experienced the so called “factory tours”

I can say that the main aim of these tours is to show you as many sites as possible. The tour guides are often not locals and don't know the area very well, or at least they don't care about what they are showing. They just read from their scripts. The tour will be rushed, so you don't have time to look around on your own or even ask questions about what's going on (if anything).
For example, we were in an apple orchard when one of those guided tours passed by with a bus full of tourists who had paid money for this "experience". While our group was enjoying tasting different varieties of apples and learning more about them, all 40 tourists crowded around these three people who had decided that today was their day off from their jobs at whatever company had hired them for such purposes (and who knows what else).

We know your wishes and expectations

To make sure you have an unforgettable experience in Armenia, we have to be able to understand your wishes and expectations. We are local, so we know the country and its people. We will take care of every detail of your trip.
We are a small travel agency with a big heart!
●   We are local, we are independent, and we are flexible.
●   We will listen to your requests.
●   We will help you with the visa if needed (It is not difficult).
●   We will help you with hotel bookings if needed (We have many connections).
●   We will also help you with ground transportation.

If you don’t wish to go for the tour, because of a rain or a snowfall, you won’t receive any money back from the majority of travel agencies

If you don’t wish to go for the tour, because of a rain or a snowfall, you won’t receive any money back from the travel agency. However, if you had booked with us, depending on the experience nature, then it is possible that you may get a certain amount of travel insurance coverage.
If anything happens during your trip, there is no need to worry because in most cases we provide travel insurance to people who choose us as their experience provider in Armenia. So if something goes wrong while travelling abroad, then all expenses related to medical care can be paid using the travel insurance we provide without any hassle.
Also note that if the company has provided insurance cover against cancellation charges then it might not be valid once again after using their services once before canceling them later on due to unforeseen circumstances during their stay abroad such as political unrest etcetera which prevents one from continuing further journey without being able availing reimbursement from anyone else other than themselves.

The majority of bigger hotel bookings around all major attractions will always be taken by big international travel agencies, who sell them 2-3 times higher as benefit for their agency and local partners

When it comes to bigger hotel bookings around all major attractions, the majority of them will always be taken by big international travel agencies. These agencies take the best deals and sell them at a higher price. Often, they don’t even have their own offices in the place where you are going to stay, or they might have just one office which is not really helpful for you when it comes to booking a room for your vacation or business trip.
Also, when choosing a local partner for your accommodation request, make sure that he/she has experience in booking accommodations in this particular area and knows what kind of hotels his/her customers prefer staying at.
The biggest advantage of booking with us is that we are an unknown brand so our prices are much lower than those offered by any other agency.

There is no such thing like “one size fits all”

Do you want to explore the world? Do you want to learn more about yourself, your family, friends and colleagues? Then why not take a custom tour?
A custom tour is designed specifically for YOU. It can be any length of time. You can choose the activities that will be included in your tour. You can decide where you will go on your trip and what type of accommodation suits your needs best.
There is no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to travel!

You can get an unforgettable experience in Armenia with Starling Travel Club, who offers you fully customizable or predefined tour packages in Armenia!

When it comes to seeing the most of Armenia, traveling by car is the best way to do so. With your own vehicle, you are free to explore any region of this beautiful country at your leisure and see all there is to see. You can stop whenever you like and take photos of everything that catches your eye (if you wish, we may do it for you). You don't have to worry about missing out on anything because there's no tour guide telling you where they think it would be good for a photo op! If there's one thing we've learned from our experience traveling around Armenia by car, having our own vehicle allows us full freedom and flexibility over where we go and when we leave. On top of that, driving allows us ample opportunity for rest stops along the way (which tends not happen if taking public transportation). Plus being able to see new places from behind our steering wheel means never having trouble finding parking spaces—something which may prove difficult if trying find parking spots during peak tourism seasons like summertime when thousands upon thousands come visit Yerevan and the major sites of Armenia each year!

If I could offer one piece advice: If you are new to traveling, you are most likely to make a whole lot of mistakes at first and that’s okay but you can easily avoid them by letting us do the job for you, so that you only enjoy.